Digital marketing refers to the use of electronic media, such as the internet, social media, mobile apps, and other digital channels, to promote products and services. It encompasses a wide range of activities, including content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, email marketing, and online advertising. The goal of digital marketing is to reach customers where they spend most of their time: online. By using digital marketing techniques, businesses can reach a wider audience and build brand awareness, generate leads and sales, and engage with their customers.


Yes, there are many different activities that can fall under the umbrella of digital marketing. Some common ones include:

Content marketing

Creating and sharing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience, and ultimately drive profitable customer action.

Search engine Optimization (SEO)

Improving the visibility of a website or web page in a search engine’s unpaid results.

Social media marketing

Using social media platforms to connect with customers and promote a product or service.

Email marketing

using email to send promotional messages to customers or to send newsletters or other types of content.

Online advertising

placing ads on websites or social media platforms to reach a target audience.

Influencer marketing

Working with influencers, or individuals with a large following on social media, to promote a product or service.

Mobile marketing

Using mobile apps or SMS messages to reach customers.

Video marketing

Using video to promote a product or service, such as by creating and sharing video content on social media or YouTube.

Affiliate marketing

Promoting a product or service on a website and earning a commission for each sale made through the website.

Web design and development

Creating and maintaining a website to attract and engage customers.

We are here so we can help so that you and your business can help you grow, so contact us today.